WalkMore Drop-In Clinic

Our weekly WalkMore drop-in clinics are an added benefit for DogMore Academy clients.


These sessions are great for socialization, and offer you the opportunity to put any dog training questions to an expert.

Socialization, Tune-Ups and Q&A Sessions

At DogMore Academy, the training opportunities don’t end when your lessons finish! As part of our commitment to maintaining strong human-canine relationships and to provide even more value to our clients, we offer weekly clinics – our WalkMore Drop-In Clinics.


These weekly sessions are welcome to all DogMore Academy clients, past and present. They are designed to offer you the opportunity to keep up on the progress you made during our training sessions

dogmore academy walkmore clinic
walkmore session group dog training

Socialization is also a critical component for a well-rounded dog, and these sessions are the perfect opportunity for that! Unlike the socialization you might get at your local dog park – where dogs are often left unsupervised and unmonitored – all WalkMore sessions are controlled and under the supervision of a professional dog trainer from DogMore Academy. In addition, they provide amazing mental and physical stimulation for your dog.


Finally, if you have any dog training questions, our WalkMore sessions are the perfect place to get answers! We want to build on the information you learned in our private lessons – and we can answer anything dog-related, from behavioral issues to health & nutrition advice.

DogMore Academy clients, watch this space – we’ll be in contact very shortly regarding our WalkMore program!

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